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Public Plans

Public plans are plans created using the DMP Tool service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Plans (1472)

Data Management Plan - AUS Funded Research

FRG23-E: Particle-Particle Interactions in Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Acceleration

Yousef Salamin, American University of Sharjah (
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Data Management Plan (DMP) Template v1.1

Smoke, Odors and Fumes in U.S. Airliners: 2016-2019

Richard Greenhaw, United States Department of Transportation (DOT) (
Digital Curation Centre (português)

Development and psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire to measure knowledge about alcohol consumption during pregnancy

Debora Gusmão Melo, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (
BCO-DMO NSF OCE: Biological and Chemical Oceanography

The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey of the Plankton of the North Atlantic

Derek Broughton, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (
Digital Curation Centre

Trabalho de conclusão de curso

Livia Almeida, Universidade de São Paulo (
Template USP - Baseado no DCC

Acidentes de trânsito em rodovias

Rodrigo Faria, Universidade de São Paulo (
CUHK Data Management Plan Template

A Multi-level Knowledge-driven Customized Dialogue System for General Use

Daivd Ho, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Digital Curation Centre (português)

Avaliação de níveis de fibra dietética e inclusão de probiótico no desempenho produtivo e saúde intestinal de tambaquis (Colossoma macropomum).

Affonso Gama, São Paulo State University (
NIH-GEN: Generic (Current until 2023)

Mechanisms and Targeted Control of Pancreatic ß-Cell Antioxidant Response

Alissa Novak, Indiana University (
USDA-NIFA: National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Molecular mechanisms enabling nematophagous fungi to parasitize Heterodera schachtii females and that enable H. schachtii female development

James Borneman, University of California, Riverside (